Welcome! Grab a cup of tea, and enjoy browsing some of the photos and stories. As the 'teawife,' it is my duty to watch and listen and be a supportive friend, and a loving mum and wife. I should post more often, but sticking my nose into everyone's business keeps me busy! Kathy the teawife

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Feathered Friends in the Garden

We've had lots of feathered garden visitors over the last number of weeks. The Blue Tits have been bringing their fledgling chicks to learn how to feed on the suet nibbles. In particular, they love the RSPB's Buggy Nibbles. These precious little birds aren't too bothered by me, as I'm the mad woman with all the food! You can hear the Blue Tits flitting to and fro in the shrubs and trees with their young. There is a very specific song they sing when they have the little ones in tow. I plopped myself into a chair, not too far away from one of the feeding stations, and the Blue Tits happily came and fed while I snapped these shots.


Marilyn Miller said...

Love seeing your Blue Tits. Such a sweet bird and so brave to let you get so close.

Crafting Queen said...

Beautiful photos, Kathy.