Welcome! Grab a cup of tea, and enjoy browsing some of the photos and stories. As the 'teawife,' it is my duty to watch and listen and be a supportive friend, and a loving mum and wife. I should post more often, but sticking my nose into everyone's business keeps me busy! Kathy the teawife

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Big Elk Bulls

Earlier in the week, tourists were stopping in our neighborhood to take photos of a gang of Bull Elks (or wapiti, as they are called here in Colorado). I've never seen four to six Bull Elks travelling together before; I thought they'd be too territorial. However, here they are, sharing the shade of a tree located across the road near our Loveland home.

1 comment:

Antiques And Teacups said...

Great photo! We have wapati here as well...they are a nuisance with our gardens. We even have signs by the highway that blink when they are near to prevent the frequent accidents they cause. But we do love them.